Southern Mbam Oral Bible Translation Project (OBT)
The goal here is to orally translate 2500 – 3500 Bible verses of the New Testament over a period of 3 years beginning September 2024 into 2 Southern Mbam languages of the Centre Region of Cameroon, Hijuk and Mbula.
Training workshop for Hijuk and Mbula Oral Bible Translators

The Plan
To translate 2500 – 3500 Bible verses of the New Testament over a period of 2 years beginning September 2024 into 2 Southern Mbam languages of the Centre Region of Cameroon, Hijuk and Mbula.
Your prayers are needed as the local teams translate God’s Word into the Hijuk and Mbula languages over the next three years. These are some of the goals of this project.
01. Translate
Translate 2500 – 3500 New Testament verses orally.
02. Publish
Publish completed verses in audio format.
Additional goals are aimed at encouraging engagement with Scripture:
- Distributing at least SD cards containing digital Hijuk and Mbula Scripture every year.