
Recent Projects

We have been carrying out the following projects

Psalms That Sing - Kom Pilot

The Psalms the Sing Project: Through a memorandum of understanding with Wycliffe US, APRIL is carrying out an exciting project with the Kom community where about one-third of the Psalter will be translated and published in print, oral, and performance modes. The project is currently halfway completed and the Kom community has shown a lot of appreciation for the songs and performances of the Psalms, learning to take their problems to the Lord at a time when the community is experiencing an armed conflict.

The Kom Bible Project

The Kom Old Testament project: APRIL has worked in association with the Kom churches since the inception of their Old Testament Project. We provide consultant services and train translators for this project. APRIL volunteers constructed a website where completed books are

Distribution of Language Material

In 2021, APRIL signed a memorandum of understanding with the Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and Literacy for the distribution of Bibles and Bible portions in several Cameroon languages. The has been a rise in the demand for Bibles in Cameroonian languages since APRIL started this systematic distribution plan.

Future Projects

APRIL is looking for like-minded individuals and organizations to partner with them in the production of Bibles in print oral and digital format. They also want to help in the design and translation of development literature that will foster the holistic development of Cameroon’s language communities. We look forward to carrying out research projects with partners in Cameroon’s universities and local and international non-governmental organizations.

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